My small men’s group just finished an introduction to the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and we are about to begin a Lenten Series on “Courage”. My question is how do we translate the courage of Bonhoeffer into a contemporary faithful courage? What does this courage look like? Is it a kind of resistance or a definitive act of bravery? How does our faith inform this courage?
Ash Wednesday begins with the words of remembrance that death is universal. It is not a very attractive beginning that comes in the middle of our weekly rhythms. Receiving the ashes is a visual reminder of our finitude. The following weeks take us further into reflections of how we are to live into that reality. That is courageous!
The courage I have witnessed is sometimes dramatic but most often is a kind of resilience informed by faith. It s a strong, slow response to the reality of suffering and loss. It is a steadfastness that comes with practice. The best and most important part is that we do it with others. We are at our best when we are present in the suffering of others and not alone in our own suffering.
Thanks be to God for the healing season of Lent and faithful courageous witnesses,
The Pilot - Southern Pines, N.C. “Churches Relaunch Initiative” and “”Blessed Be the Ties that Bind: Rebuilding Our Community” 2/7/2023
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