“But Christian hope is a matter of discipline more than simple self-expression. Hope is about learning to dream – provided one remembers that the dream comes not so much out of one’s own unconscious, but out of God’s. Hope is first learning God’s dream, and then living it.” Samuel Wells, Learning to Dream Again: Rediscovering the Heart of God
It is advent and a time for Christians to reflect on one of the great Transitions - God’s radical entrance into our world. These big stories resonate with the smaller transitions of our own lives.
For me this fall has been one of those transition times. I decided to fully retire from the practice of medicine - the previous attempts were only “slow withdrawal” moves. The timing was coincidental with an invitation to give a lecture to incoming obstetric and gynecologic resident applicants. I decided to use that opportunity to share personal and professional highlights of the last 50+ years. The title of that review was “My Exit Interview” and the conclusion was “An Awesome Adventure” - it should have been titled, “Living the Dream”!
The real question for me and the applicants is (that was not asked), “What’s next?”. I found part of the answer in the book by Samuel Wells, Learning to Dream Again: Rediscovering the Heart of God. It is book that was published after his tenure as Dean of Duke Chapel. He collected his highlights and reviewed them in the context of Biblical stories. It is a great advent read.
So the advent question is what does this “New Birth” mean in our lives? It is a big question, but I think one answer is that it is an invitation to “Dream Again” much like those young applicants that patiently listened to my story. The good news is that the invitation is not age dependent.
Wishing you a Christmas full of dreams,
Wells, Samuel. Learning to Dream Again: Rediscovering the Heart of God (p. 11). Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.. Kindle Edition.
Hage, M. L. (2012). Awaiting “Good News”
Hage, M. L. (2012). Vocation & Retirement.
Hage, M. L. (2013). Rounds are Over!
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