Saturday, May 9, 2020

Our Healing

Map of the COVID-19 verified number of infected per capita as of 6 May 2020.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: 
The old has gone, the new is here!   
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

There is no disagreement that we all are desperately seeking healing during this pandemic.  It seems like it is the only thing that unites us. 

I just finished two recently published books that addresses our health.  The first, “Together” by Vivek Murphy addresses the disease of “loneliness” that has been endemic in the United States.  The author was the 19th Surgeon General who looked for threats to our health like Surgeon Generals before him - think of smoking or vaping.  He surgically identifies the many faces of loneliness and then describes the efforts of reconnecting people and communities.

The second book, “Universal Christ” by Richard Rohr addresses a historical split in the Christian church that has kept us apart from each other and our spiritual healing.   He makes a strong case for a new unity in our world - a healing of our separatist and individualistic culture.  He sees “Christ” as the open arms of the church to the world.

For me, these two books capture the the paradox of the pathology of this pandemic.  We are physically separated but spending more time connecting and reconnecting with each other and our communities.  We are fearful of others but at the same time want to touch and be touched.  We want to return to a nostalgic past and at the same moment long for a new future.

For me, the healing prescription is “remembering forward”.   It is an acknowledgement that “opening up” will not be looking back to the way “it used to be”.   It is imagining and being a new creation.  The church is a critical response to this deep desire for healing.  The church knows, lives and shares the story of this healing we seek.   As individuals we can tell that story.

One such personal report of  Covid19 was made by Wynton Marsalis on the death of his father, Ellis,   He shares and honors his father’s life and plays his beautiful trumpet.  It is worth a listen to both his words and the  music.  If you listen you will hear echos of the words of Vivek Murphy and Richard Rohr.  This is what healing looks and sounds like.



Map of the COVID-19 verified number of infected per capita as of 6 May 2020.

Murthy, V. H. (2020). Together : the healing power of human connection in a 
sometimes lonely world (First edition. ed.). New York, NY: Harper Wave, an imprint of HarperCollins.

Rohr, R. (2019). Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For, and Believe. Convergent Books.

Hage, M. L. (2012). Vocation & Retirement.

"He had a world view." Wynton Marsalis on late father

Watch Wynton Marsalis’ moving musical tribute to his father, pianist Ellis Marsalis

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