Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Spiritual Improvisation


Jazz Album Cover - 1996

“Traditioned innovation is a way of thinking and living 

that holds the past and future together in creative tension.”  

Hogue & Jones

“Children are so deeply rooted in the magic of the everyday 

that time is both abundant and completely stalled. 

There’s a full magic show going on all the time, 

but we grow up and get too busy to pay attention to it.”


One of my favorite music albums is “Loved Ones” by Ellis and Branford Marsalis.  The performance is built on the standards, but this father and son have fun and reimagine together new and beautiful music.  Could we use this kind of improvisation in our lives that brings new beauty to the world?

Others have written about ideas that merge restrictive categories and spaces.  What holds these ideas together is a different context for our actions.  This kind of innovation needs a sold basis combined with an imagination that can best be described as spiritual.  It looks for healing in playing that is one of those characteristics of youth that can deteriorate with age.  So we need to search, explore and play.  It brings meaning and joy to life.


The “Loved Ones” are all around us and we can come as children and play together even in those places that are filled with ritual.  It brings new dimensions to healing.


p.s.  And then I received a copy of the Medical School Commencement Address from the University of Michigan.  The speaker, an ophthalmologist, has a clear vision of what medicine looks like and what it can become in the lives of these new physicians   It was an encouraging message!


Hogue, Andrew P.; Jones, L. Gregory. Navigating the Future (p. 18). Abingdon Press. Kindle Edition. 

Montague, Brad. Becoming Better Grownups (p. 52). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Hage, M. L. (2019). Resilient Improvisation.

Wayman, B. D.,(2021) Imagining the future of theological education

Hage, M. L. (2012). Kingdom Learning.

Hage, M. L. (2014). Humor and Healing.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Healing Disconnections

Camino de Santiago

Photo Courtesy of Douglas Brouwer

“In other words, the religious ritual is 

typically embodied, synchronous, deep, and collective.”

Derek Thompson

There is evidence of the growing “aloneness” that has increased after the Covid pandemic and with widening chasms exacerbated by political rhetoric.  This is particularly an issue for faith communities!

I just finished reading a pre-pandemic book, “You are what you love: The spiritual power of habit.”, that makes the case for a transformational liturgical response.  Specifically. the author argues that religious “habits” bring meaning to our lives.  The transactional strategies are not working, so we need to revert to those practices that lead to deep change.  This is where we find love, joy and meaning. 

But isn’t there already some evidence of a post-pandemic renaissance?   Are we in a new era of cancer therapy because of RNA research?  Are we seeing an increase in educational opportunities because of increased access with new technology?  Are we seeing searching for meaning in our lives with the marked increase in “pilgrimage” travel? 

I believe we are at a “tipping point” where we will see other dimensions of our lives that are more connected and that some of the “old ways”, like pilgrimages, will be the sources of meaning and purpose.  What do you think?



Thompson, D. (2024) The True Cost of the Churchgoing Bust

Burge R.,(2024) Dropping Out of Everything

Murthy, V. H. (2020). Together : the healing power of human connection in a sometimes lonely world (First edition. ed.). New York, NY: Harper Wave, an imprint of HarperCollins.

Smith, J. K. A. (2016). You are what you love: The spiritual power of habit. Brazos Press.

Hage, M. L. (2011). Pilgrimage and Healing.

Hage, M. L. (2020). Finding Joy.

Hage, M. L. (2020). Healing Faith.

Walker, K (2021) Pilgrimages could be the next post-covid travel trend