God’s business is putting things right;
he loves getting the lines straight,
Setting us straight. Once we’re standing tall,
we can look him straight in the eye.
Psalm 11:7 (MSG)
This has been the time of the year for graduations for the younger generations. Transitions also happens to the senior citizens but at less predictable times both by choice and by uncontrollable events.
For the graduates and senior citizens alike, transitions are filled with unknowns and uncertainty. There are plans and expectations. What seems most real to me is the disorientation of changing locations. Where you are present is an important part of our idea of what you do and your identity.
My current experience is that of leaving where I have lived and worked for the last 22 years. It was a good chapter. Today is a kind of limbo of the betweenness of places. It makes me wonder how the nomads of then and now adjusted to these multiple dislocations. It was the reason that the recent movie, “Nomadland” was so popular.
In an extensive investigation, author Bruce Feller explores his own life story as well as looking to others. His emphasis is that life stories are not linear - predictable or clear in the direction they take. It helped me to see the broader dimensions of my own story and life chapters. What seems to be missing* is the idea of vocation that I have addressed before. That vocational reality in my life has been the reason I have failed retirement multiple times!
In summary, this current transition is another life chapter change but still the quest of being a healing agent remains. That quest is still straight ahead!
Feiler, B. (2020). Life is in the transitions: Mastering change at any age. Penguin Press.
Hage, M. L. (2010). The “Telos” for Christian Healing Agents.
Hage, M. L. (2012). Vocation & Retirement.
Hage, M. L. (2014). Healing Purpose
Hage, M. L. (2015). Healing Work.
- Feiler, Bruce. Life Is in the Transitions (p. 117). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. There was one brief mention of “vocation” as reported by Tami Trottier: “I never doubted, because there’s a difference between a vocation and a calling. Once I discovered what I was supposed to be doing, I knew nothing could stop me.”