He heals the brokenhearted
and binds up their wounds,
Psalm 147:3 (NIV)
This Lenten - Easter 2021 has been a particularly strange combination of Covid-19 fatigue and the hope of vaccinations. Two weeks after my own vaccination, I was chosen to be a vaccinator as a retired physician with a medical license. It was a new medical role!
I became part of a system that was being built with other volunteers and donated space. It was an efficient system with robust documentation. It was a part of even larger systems of reporting and monitoring. Safety was critical with preparations for unexpected and rare reactions.
What I saw at first were only the arms in front of me and the task of the jab. My first group were K-12 teachers and then college professors. They were part of the larger priority allocation plan. I worked in a donated theatre lobby near the food concessions. The next experience was a “drive-in” at the backside of the the theatre with individuals of limited mobility. The challenge was not just arms but this outdoor setting. Wind and documents are incompatible!
My last location was in a hospital surgical entrance giving the second dose. It was in this setting I started to hear stories in response to the question, “How will this vaccination change your life?” Most had specific ideas of what the future would hold. This is when, by hearing their answers, I started to be part of the larger story of promised healing. We are all invited into this bigger Easter 2021 story.
Thanks be to God.
NHRMC Giving Community Vaccinations At Local Movie Theater
Wilmington Business, Jan 21, 2021
Hage, ML. (2020). Easter Blessings 2020.
Hage, ML. (2020). Public & Personal Healing.
Hage, ML (2021). All is Grace.