So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, they lived.
Numbers 21:9 (NIV)
“ Then to love the sick, each and all of them, more than if my own body were at stake.”
Paracelsus (1493–1541)
Just listen to the first person report of the care being provided! Can you believe the courage it takes! Physicians and nurses tell stories that help us to hear and see the reality of our fears and those of our patients. We have the wonderful opportunity to be part of those stories.
We need to continue to look carefully for cures and methods of prevention for all those at risk. But just as important, we need to pray for courage and relief from the fear that would paralyze all our efforts. Thanks be to God for the healing agents who have given their lives caring for the most vulnerable.
The Oath of Paraselsus Retrieved from
StoryCorps report that aired on NPR on October 10, 2014 Retrieved from
Hage, M. L. (2012). God’s Grace. Retrieved from
Hage, M. L. (2011). Good Courage and Healing. Retrieved from