Surgery Board at Tenwek Hospital, Kenya
Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.
Ephesians 2:19-20 (NIV)
“From an African perspective, to NOT make a spiritual connection with patients is
essentially medical malpractice.”
Suzanne R. Snyder, MD Medical Missionary to the Masai
It is often difficult to relate to patients but it is an essential part of caring for patients no matter where you practice. Language, cultures and the limited knowledge of the patient’s history makes establishing a relationship a challenge.
What I have found is that the organization that you represent is an important ingredient in how that relationship is understood. When you are identified with a medical organization with a clear statement of its mission, you have a basis for the beginning of a relationship that has the opportunity to transcend the barriers of culture and language.
So beside the diplomas and credentials, it is important for patients to know that we are more than just competent! We must build a relationship in the belief that the outcome will be healing. For Christians this is done for the glory of God and his Kingdom. It is in those relationships, a living mystery, that we have the privilege to experience God’s Grace.
Jolles EP. Clark AM. Braam B. Getting the message across: opportunities and obstacles in effective communication in hypertension care. [Review] Journal of Hypertension. 30(8):1500-10, 2012 Aug.
Abedini NC. Gruppen LD. Kolars JC. Kumagai AK. Understanding the effects of short-term international service-learning trips on medical students. Academic Medicine. 87(6):820-8, 2012 Jun.
Hage, M. L. (2012). God’s Grace. Retrieved from